So…How is That New Year’s Resolution Working?
So…How is that New Year’s Resolution working for you? The problem with these so called resolutions is that they are forced in many cases.
I say they are forced because many people feel a pressure of society to take on a new goal. I doubt if most people even take into account the resolution that was made or considered in January of the previous year.
There may be co-workers, family members and friends who have taken on their own pressured New Year’s Resolution and via the “conversation,” eventually the question comes to you.
So…What is your New Year’s Resolution? If you did not have a thought of a resolution, you suddenly feel pressure to think of one on THE SPOT.
You get nervous, heart beats faster, perhaps sweat a little, trying to
think of something to say in response to glorified peer pressure. Come
on, you’re supposed to be an adult. You… like many other people
may have fallen victim to “Water Cooler” bullying, group think.
I guess you did not want to feel like an outsider, so instead of looking
like an asshole which you made yourself look like one anyway ( to
yourself/true self) you said…and you said…then you ended it off by
saying…knowing that when you are alone and have to face yourself that
there is a small chance of you actually following through.
Why…why is it like that? It is like that because most people are
comfortable with the same old thing. Allow me to say it another way, in
true Jassiri Nassor style. Most people are comfortable with the same ol’
bullshit. It takes inner confidence and audacity to pursue a goal and to
stick with it when at some point you cannot see any visible change.
Most people for example are Christians yet they do not have any faith.
That’s right I said it. Most people cannot work at a goal with longevity.
Not looking for the instant payoff, ignoring outside influences, and the
most difficult task of self-discipline, not comparing yourself to the next
person. Whoa, that’s a tall order for many people.
Instead of resolutions how about setting two or three goals and stick
with those goals for six months a year or two years. Especially, if the
goals are backed with solid information and a plan of action. Not just a
wishful thought, but a plan of action. Then sticking with those goals for
the long term and watching those commitments gain momentum as
you gain more knowledge, to fuel the goals. Seeing them through to
the end.
I put myself as an example. At the moment I work a job. The job is a
professional position overseas. Yet, I am working on my entrepreneur
goals, which include every aspect of writing and creating business
opportunities associated with this endeavor. I am also working on
being a great father, great husband. Working on getting free and
having to basically play poker everyday on a job, putting on my best
actions and face every day can be draining at times. Getting free from
that is motivational for me.
This is real as real can get. Like I said many blogs ago, I am taking you
on a journey and the journey at this juncture includes working a job.
However, progress is being made continuously. I do not make New
Year’s Resolution, I stay the course, reading books, attending webinars
and seminars, late nights working and going to work after four or two
hours of sleep. I do this with a focus on the future knowing that my
efforts will be rewarded.
Metaphysically, I was born to write. My purpose is to write, share
information, educate, inspire…There are many forms of what is known
as Divination, that can give a person clarity on who they are and what
skills they possess and what direction in life will yield the best results.
Results achieved, while being fully supported in every way imaginable.
Thus, when you are asked at the water cooler about a New Year’s
Resolution, why not put yourself in a position to say “I don’t make
resolutions, I stick with established plans.”
P.S. Do it for the LOVE OF YOU…