I am from Atlanta, GA. There is a saying common to the southern region of the US. The saying goes “It ain’t no fun when the RABBIT’s got the gun.”

Meaning, for a certain period of time, people will seem to have the upper hand on you. Others may seem to have all of the success, while you seemingly get the crumbs of life.

However, when the tables turn do to persistence, those who were on top looking down on you, must witness you pass them on your move up, “Escalator Style.”

It has to happen because it is the law. Universal Law. Nothing stays the same. It is the Law of Rhythm.

The same thing that makes some one laugh, is the same thing that can make some one cry. Hold tight to the vision and make moves accordingly with precision.

Copyright © 2021 Jassiri Nassor Thought Elevation Ola

Take a moment to find out more of who I am on http://Pinterest.com-NASSORJASSIRI

📖read my articles on Medium — Where good ideas find you.@jasssirinassor and quora-jassiri nassor

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I can be directly contacted for Numerology and Tarot readings at jassiridivination7@gmail.com



Jassiri Nassor
Deal With This…

I write about purpose and direction| Helping rebellious people seeking spiritual self awareness and growth| Educator 12 years