Is it True That We Attract, What We Are?
I’ve thought about this question for a long time. Like a lot of information that is available for reading, it sounds very mystical.
It is one of those sayings that sound good and when someone who is studying spiritual topics reads, hears or sees these words, they say….hmmm…must be deep. (Gill Scott Heron reference/ video at the end of the commentary)
We attract what and who we are…hmmm…must be deep. We have all thought this.
Real life experiences have taught me that I attracted people to me, who have represented different aspects of my personality.
I have attracted book smart people, highly knowledgeable people who are naturally wise, business people, people with a strong since of humor, people with strong will power, very fake people, people who wanted to take advantage of my kindness and outright stupid people.
I move through life with the goal of operating within the best aspects of myself. Though all of those other aspects of myself are still in me.
I do not wear a mask for anyone, I don’t like or present myself as fake.
However, through various experiences, I have learned, that people can come into my life wearing a mask that displays the best and most approachable characteristics of myself.
Nevertheless, underneath that mask, they have a lesson for me, in the form of one of the worst aspects of myself.
The question is why. Why did this sorry MF have to come into my life?
We all have yelled in disgust, “This so and so messed me up!” “They ruined everything I was working for!” “Yeah, he/she got me real good.”
Here’s an old saying that will help anyone get over those setbacks. It’s called “Charge it to the GAME.”
What does that mean in reference to “attracting what we are?” It means, not having a proper balance of your positive and negative, is going to confront us in some way.
It may confront us in the form of a situation, partner, friend, co-worker, family member or perhaps someone we do not know.
If there is something about yourself that you are not aware of, that needs to change ,then it is going present itself. It will be like looking into a mirror.
I recently had to end a relationship with a woman after 11 years. She proved to be extremely stubborn and refused to acknowledge this flaw. The I know it all characteristic grew through the years, resulting in bad consequences.
No one knows everything and we all can learn something new. However, if we are so into ourselves we can’t learn anything. Especially when what we need to learn, can make our lives easier and without conflict.
I realized that I was looking at myself. I attracted who I was, at that time.
People say that in, life and in relationships that we attract that, which we are most attracted to. That should include, who we are.
If you do not like what you attract then think about who you are and how you can change.
If you refuse to change and you want to keep going through similar situations, different people, different locations, then you might as well get ready to “Charge it to the Game.”
The METAPHYSICAL GAME that is…hmm…must be deep.