How to practice Spirituality while under family criticism
First, what is spiritual? Better yet, how is the root word “spirit” defined? It is defined as, an extension of divine power, essential nature, inspiration, divine mind, courage and vigor. These are definitions that are provided by the Etymological dictionary.
On the path to someone making a decision to study spirituality, they of course deviate from the method of study or worship that was taught to them as a child. That method could be Christianity or Islam, which are the two most practiced religions in the world.
However, at some point there are people who begin to develop questions. Questions that the information which they have been given all their life cannot answer. Perhaps, this seeker of information, simply wants to add additional information to what they already know and continue to from learn within the traditional settings.
In their mind, studying various branches of spirituality such as Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Gnosticism, Mysticism, Ancient African Spirituality and even the study of what is called the Occult, will help to answer questions they have had all along that have not been answered.
The seeker may go with family or friends to Barnes & Nobles and enjoy going to the religion, new age, history and philosophy sections, to pick up book titles that peak the curiosity. Eventually, trips to metaphysical stores may begin in the search of books that go deeper into subjects of curiosity and to look at and buy other items that they were never taught about when growing up.
Those in the seekers circle may overhear videos that the seeker likes to watch on Youtube. Perhaps the person that is seeking a deeper understanding stops going to church as well for example.
That is when certain family members decide to attack! It is difficult, because for one, if the seeker would try to explain what they have discovered, it would fall on deaf ears. “That stuff is not what we taught you when you were growing up!” ”That stuff is of the Devil!” Secondly, if the person under attack were to explain that they are attempting to “Expand my essential nature and my divine mind,” they might get hit with a puzzling look and a question of “What is that?” The seeker could not win, by explaining or arguing, which is useless anyway.
If the family members in opposition to these new found thoughts happen to see anything that have been bought, that is not in line with the beliefs they were raised under…whoo shame on them, the family members may bombard the individual with text messages, containing Bible verses for days.
The curious person will be shamed, bullied, pressured and even shunned for not following family tradition. How dare you attempt to leave the Borg or “the Collective!” That was for you Star Trek fans.
Here is the moment of TRUTH. The seeker will either not budge and take a stand as a person who wants to learn more or they will crumble under pressure and go back to the old family ways and thus be miserable…fo’ life. Why do I say miserable? Because once a serious study of information has begun and the curiosity is being fed by knowledge and questions are finally being answered, it would be impossible to just say “I’m done.”
If the person wants to learn more, they could try to reason with the family members or friends who have a problem with this “new direction.” However, if nothing in the appearance is different and how dare the vibe and attitude be more positive, then realistically, why should the person change to appease anyone?
So the question was, how do you practice spirituality while being under family criticism? The answer is, you have to stand strong and believe in the knowledge that you are studying. In most cases the person studying, does not mean any harm to the family and more importantly spirituality is a personal journey anyway. It’s your thang, you are studying for you.
If your family truly loves and cares about you and you are not trying to harm animals, other people or them, then they need to get over it. If they cannot, then that is selfish on their part and they need to study the book of their faith and check themselves. You would then be placed in what is popularly know in spiritual circles as “The Valley of Decision.” What will you do? Will you stay with what feels right? Will you fold like a b*#!! and succumb to family pressure? Don’t let them find out that you stopped eating meat,ohhhh noooo!!!