What is a man? What is a woman? What is an activist? What is free choice? What is a father? What is a mother? What is a brother? What is a sister? What is a friend? What is a business? What is an entrepreneur? What is a job? What is financial literacy? What is economics? What is technology? What is bougie? What is hood? What is class? What is trash? What is wealth? What is flaw pimpin’? What is focus? What is desperation?
What is health? What is an immune system? What is vegan? What is fast food? What is alkaline water? What is soda? What is a mask? What is breath? What is oxygen? What is life?
What is above and below? What is correspondence? What is vibration? What is polarity? What is rhythm? What is cause and effect? What is the law of gender? What is allowing? What is attraction? What is action? What is meaningful? What is BULLSHIT? What is LAME? What is REAL? What is STUPID? What is a LIAR? What is TRUTH? What is a standard? What is a STANDARD? What is a CODE?
WHAT IS POWER OF THE TONGUE TO SPEAK LIFE AND DEATH INTO EXISTENCE? (Proverbs 18:21) (Laws of Tehuti-The Seven Hermitic Principles-Teachings of Thoth).
What is DESTINY? What is a LIFE PATH? What is a SOUL NUMBER? What is a MATURITY NUMBER? What is a BIRTHDAY NUMBER? What is a COSMIC CODE? What is a SUN SIGN? What is a LILITH? What is a PART OF FORTUNE? What is the significance of PLUTO?
What is thought? What is action? What is shame? What is blame? What is in a name? What is an activist? What is a healer? What is warrior? What is HEALER? What is a protester? What is a planner? What is a thinker? What is a soldier? What is a thug? What is a libation? What is a crystal? What is an alter? What is a sigil? What is a ritual? What is mediation? What is a silence? What is not needed? What is respect? What are roles?